Bridgepoint Connections seeks to help professionals integrate faith and spiritual values with their work and life.
Our mission is to help business people experience a practical and relevant 24/7 relationship with God so that they can achieve a greater degree of satisfaction and success in all aspects of work and life.
We help people access “a personal lifeline to God,” so they can meet and overcome life’s challenges and set-backs in work and life. Bridgepoint Connections provides events, environments and conversations that help you successfully balance your time, relationships, and work by developing an integrated life and worldview.
Upcoming Events:
Networking Events
"Networking Breakfast"
Wednesday, March 26, 8:00—9:15 a.m.
Ridgetop Coffee, Sterling, VA
Early registration now closed!
"After Hours Networking Mixer"
Tuesday, May 6, 5:30—7:30 p.m., Dominion Point, Herndon, VA
Study/Discussion Groups
"Life & Leadership Lessons”
with Pete Lackey
Thursdays through Mar. 27
7:00—8:00 a.m.
Fridays through Mar. 28
7:00—8:00 a.m.
Solitude & Prayer Retreat
"Bridgepoint Breakaway”
Tuesday, May 20, 12:00—4:30 p.m.
Claggett Retreat Center
Top leaders from the business, political, athletic and media communities talk candidly about what honesty, integrity and character mean to them and how they integrate these values into their professional and personal lives.
Mission Projects
Opportunities for business professionals to share love, hope and faith with people in other countries during a seven to ten day immersion experience.
Discussion/Study Groups
These groups provide the opportunity to meet in a small group with like-minded professional men and women to discuss what it means on a practical level to integrate faith and spiritual values with our work and personal lives.
Articles & Interviews
Read articles by leading business experts who address personal, professional and spiritual issues as well as describe how they have been able to integrate faith and spiritual values with their work and with their lives.